What We Offer



St Patrick's Primary is the perfect choice for your child. Learn more and enrol today!

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St Patrick's Primary is a vibrant and contemporary school offering quality education for students.

We offer a strong foundation for learning, together with a faith dimension and social awareness.





Enrol now at St Patrick's Primary, Blacktown

A welcoming and supportive community

Our school is committed to providing a learning environment where students can thrive, feel safe and supported, and are nurtured to grow belong and be confident.

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Caring staff at St Patrick's Primary, Blacktown

Passionate teachers who care

Inspired learning starts with highly motivated and professional teachers. Our teachers make each student feel valued and safe, and help them strive towards excellence and be the best learners they can be.

Professional learning for teachers is a high priority at St Patrick’s Primary, so that we may respond to the needs of the students in a strategic and effective way. Building teacher expertise ensures that skills, knowledge and strategies are current, evidence-based and productive towards student growth and learning achievement.

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Excellence at St Patrick's Catholic Primary, Blacktown

Personalised Learning

Each student’s unique strengths and needs guide the design of the learning opportunities we provide. Our expert teachers will tailor teaching to meet each student at their point of need, track how they are progressing, and respond with extra support when needed. After all, learning how to learn is equally important as what we learn!

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Opportunities beyond the classroom

Extra-curricular activities play a vital part in student learning and at St Patrick's we actively encourage our students to experience a wide range of activities with a view to developing their talents and abilities. The diverse array of activities on offer includes:

  • Mini – Vinies Team
  • Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country carnivals
  • ‘Voice of Youth’ public speaking competition
  • sport gala days and clinics
  • curriculum-based excursions
  • Kids on Keyboard program
  • Kitchen Garden Program
  • Creative Arts Performance
  • school choir
  • drama club and much more!

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Before and after school care at St Patrick's Primary, Blacktown

Before and After School Care

Located in the school grounds, our service provides a safe, familiar child-friendly environment for a wide range of exciting activities to children of differing ages, interests and needs. Don't miss a place. Book now for care before and after school as well as during school holidays.

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Students attending Church at St Patrick's Primary, Blacktown

Faith-based education

St Patrick's is a great place for students to grow in faith and learning. We value each student as an individual and share the values of the Gospel to help them discover the hope that is within and to experience a meaningful and flourishing life. Catholic traditions, morals and values are at the heart of St Patrick’s Primary. Liturgy and prayer are integral to school life as they deepen personal faith and help us to celebrate our Christian beliefs as a community and our Religious Education Program, enables our students to come to know Jesus and the Catholic tradition.

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Helping students reach their potential

Quality schooling that is affordable

We keep our fees as low as possible so that all families have the opportunity to access a high quality Catholic education. Significant discounts apply for siblings. Ask about our flexible payment plans.

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Other reasons to choose our school


  • Our active parent group gives parents meaningful ways to connect with the school

  • Specialist teachers in Physical Education and Creative Arts

  • Our range of outdoor play and sports areas, including kindergarten playground
  • Practical social outreach activities

  • Student leadership opportunities that develop valuable life skills

  • Our kitchen garden program inspiring healthy lifestyle habits






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Tours & events 


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Please get in touch for any questions you may have.

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