Vision and Mission

At St Patrick’s, our mission is to celebrate a multicultural, Christ-centred community, where all members collaborate to provide a safe environment that nurtures the holistic development of the individual.

Our Belief Statements

Faith community

St Patrick's Primary Blacktown Faith Community

We believe that St Patrick’s is a Christ-centred community where we celebrate Catholic faith and tradition through prayer, worship and action, in a spirit of unity, showing respect, tolerance and understanding for each other.


Teaching and learning

St Patrick's Primary Blacktown Teaching

We believe that teaching and learning activities need to cater for individual differences, and to foster an attitude of lifelong independent learning for all.

Personal growth

St Patrick's Primary Blacktown  Personal Growth

We believe that each member of the school community has the right to a safe environment that nurtures their social, emotional, spiritual, physical, and intellectual growth and development.



St Patrick's Primary Blacktown Partnerships

We believe children, staff, parents, and the wider community need to work in partnership to provide holistic educational growth for all students.